If you are reading these rules for the first time, ignore the text along the right hand side. These rules serve as a summary to help you quickly familiarize yourself with the game.
→ summary only
→ detailed version only
→ both summary and detailed version

→ original rules (pdf)
Will you cross the finish line first? Now is your chance to find out!
Automobiles is a deck‑building game where the fun is cubed. Instead of
cards, you’ll be building your collection with cubes. Your cubes not only
allow you to race your car around the track, but they will also allow you
to improve your handling, optimize your pit crew, and boost your speed,
which are your keys to victory!
The goal of the game is to cross the finish line first! You accomplish this by
customizing your race car and surrounding yourself with the best crew. Your
race car and crew are represented by a collection of cubes garnered from
various options that will be available to you. Starting with the same small
set of cubes, each player will build their collection as you play the game. Use
these cubes to enhance your performance, train your pit crew, and ensure
your race car runs as effectively as possible. Be the first to cross the finish
line and watch that checkered flag wave!
Deviations to the original rules
The cubes inside the players' bags are visible to all players.
Variant Weaving (This variant became an official variant with the first expansion)
This variant gives players even more control of their race cars. It allows players to change lanes while moving through early segments of long spaces. This weaving movement can get a player out of a tough situation or provide an opportunity for drafting that wouldn’t be possible under the base game rules.
Variant Accelerated Play
If a card (i.e. Boost) allows actions of other players during one's own turn, those actions will be postponed until these players are on turn.
Destination Fun: Racing Season Expansion
Game Components
1 double-sided game board
5 double-sided player sheets
5 wooden race car tokens
5 wooden lap markers
5 bags
30 white cubes
28 light gray cubes
24 dark gray cubes
16 black cubes
40 yellow cubes
16 red cubes
16 purple cubes
16 blue cubes
16 green cubes
80 brown cubes
Card Basics
- Name: Descriptive title of this card.
- Cost: Amount of money needed to pay to acquire a cube associated with this card.
- Type: Overall label of this card.
Color: Alternate indicator of this type:
- Yellow = Garage
- Purple = Pit
- Red = Handling
- Green = Performance
- Blue = Engine
- Black = 6th Gear
- Dark Gray = 5th Gear
- Light Gray = 4th Gear
- White = 3rd Gear
- Brown = Wear
- Value: Amount of money the cube associated with this card is worth when buying new cubes.
- Effect: Ability granted to the cube associated with this card.
- Cube: Graphic representation of the cube associated with this card.
Choose which side of the game board to use and place it in the center of the playing area.
Place the cube tray next to the board. Place the Gear cards and the
Wear card next to their respective color cubes.
Separate all remaining cards by type. Shuffle each type, then
randomly select one from each color/type to be placed next to its
respective color cubes
Choose a random player and give that player the Starting Player card.
Each player selects a race car, and takes the matching player sheet
and lap marker. Place race cars on the track in player order. The player
sheets should be placed in front of each player, and the lap markers
should all be placed on space 3 of the lap track.
Each player receives a draw bag and 12 starting cubes: 2 light gray 4th
Gear cubes, 5 white 3rd Gear cubes, and 5 yellow Garage cubes. The
players place these starting cubes into their bag.
Beginning with the starting player, then continuing clockwise, each
player buys one or more cubes from the stock using the allowance
stated on their starting space on the track.
Each player puts their bought cubes into their bag and randomly mixes
Each player randomly draws 7 cubes out of their bag to place in the
active pile on their player sheet.
The game is ready to begin!
Choose which side of the game board to use and place it in the center
of the playing area. Each side features a unique track to race on.
Note: For your first game, we suggest using the Daytona Beach track.
Place the cube tray next to the board with room for cards to be placed on both sides of it. These cubes are referred to as the
stock. Place the Gear cards and the Wear card next to their respective color cubes.
Separate all remaining cards by type. Shuffle each type, then
randomly select one from each color/type to be placed next to its
respective color cubes. Return any unused cards back into the box,
they will not be needed this game.
Note: For your first game, we suggest using the following set of cards:
Manager, Crew Chief, Suspension, Gearbox, Hybrid Engine.
Choose a random player and give that player the Starting Player card. This
card will remain with that player for the entire game. Play will proceed in
clockwise order beginning with this starting player.
Each player selects a race car, and takes the matching player sheet
and lap marker. The race cars should be placed on the track in player
order (P1, P2, P3...). The player sheets should be placed in front of
each player, and the lap markers should all be placed on space 3 of the
lap track.
Note: Experienced players may adjust the starting position on the lap
track as they wish. Select more laps for a longer, more strategic
game, or fewer laps for a shorter, more accessible game.
Each player also receives a draw bag and 12 starting cubes: 2 light
gray 4th Gear cubes, 5 white 3rd Gear cubes, and 5 yellow Garage
cubes. The players place these starting cubes into their bag.
Beginning with the starting player, then continuing clockwise, each
player buys one or more cubes from the stock using the allowance
stated on their starting space on the track. Any allowance money not
used is lost.
Once all players have bought from the stock, then each player puts
their bought cubes into their bag and randomly mixes all the cubes in
their bag.
Each player randomly draws 7 cubes out of their bag to place in the
active pile on their player sheet.
The game is ready to begin!
Game Play
A game of Automobiles is played over several rounds, with each player
taking one turn per round.
Beginning with the starting player and proceeding clockwise, players will
either take a standard turn using their active cubes to customize their
car and race around the track, or to take an alternative turn
making a pit stop and removing wear from their car.
When a player has completed their turn, the next player in clockwise
order takes their turn, and so on, until the game ends with one player
crossing the finish line victorious!
Standard Turn - Racing
Select one or more cubes in your active pile. One at a time
place each in your used pile, then apply its effect. Move cubes to the
track as appropriate.
Use any leftover cubes in your active pile as money to buy one or
more cubes from the stock. Add cubes you buy to your used pile.
Move your race car according to your cubes placed by actions on
the track.
Gain wear according to the highest color track space you
moved on.
Move all of your cubes from the track, active pile, and used pile
to your discard pile. Then randomly draw seven new cubes for your
active pile (put all the cubes from your discard pile into your bag only
if it is insufficient).
During a standard turn, you must take the following 5 phases in order:
Action Phase
During this phase you may use one or more cubes in your active pile for their effect.
To do this, select one cube at a time. Place this cube in your used pile, then perform the effect as stated on its respective
card. If you choose to apply the effect of the cube's card, you must apply it in full. The effects on the card are applied from top
to bottom. If some of the card's effects cannot be applied, you cannot apply any of the effects.
Note: There is a single exception to this rule, in that if a card requires that you gain wear, and there are
no wear cubes left in the stock, you may still apply the other effects.
After applying the effect of your first chosen cube, you may choose another and another and another. The only
limit is the quantity of cubes you have in your active pile.
If an effect requires you to gain cubes from the stock (including wear cubes), place these gained cubes in your used pile.
When a cube affects the movement of your race car on the track, don't actually move your race car yet, instead use that cube to
mark the progress on the track. If such an effect requires you to gain wear, it's helpful to place that wear cube on the track with the
affected cube. This aids in remembering this step, plus it shows your opponents that you have completed this part of the effect.
Note: All cubes on the game board are still considered to be in your used pile for the purpose of card effects.
How to move on the track
A space of movement is defined as being from one bold line to the next and may contain smaller segments.
Single dark gray space
Smaller segments in the space
Each cube placed on the track must begin its movement in a space adjacent to your own race car or another cube (diagonal spaces
count as adjacent). Also this space, or segment, must progress your race car forward on the track. You cannot move sideways or backwards,
and you cannot place a cube on a segment that is occupied by an opponent's race car.
Buy Phase
During this phase, you may use one or more cubes in your active pile
as money to buy one or more cubes from the stock. You start each Buy
Phase with a pool of zero money. After your Action Phase, all cubes
remaining in your active pile will now be used as money. For each cube,
you gain as much money as the value stated on its respective card. This
creates your pool of money for this turn.
With this pool of money, you may buy one or more cubes from the
stock. You can buy several cubes if you wish, including multiple copies of
the same cube, as long as you have enough money to pay for them. Keep
in mind, cubes are limited to their quantity in the stock. Once they are
gone, they are gone and you won’t be able to buy them anymore.
Any cubes that you buy are placed directly into your
used pile.
Note: Money is only valid for the current turn, so either you use it or you
lose the unspent money at the end of your turn.
Car Phase
During this phase, you will get to see the results of your actions as your
race car speeds around the track. To do this, move your race car from its
current space to the space occupied by the farthest cube you placed on
the track this turn. If you pass the finish line during this movement, move
your lap marker forward one space. If your lap marker is now on the
Finish space, the game ends after the current round is completed.
Note: You cannot drive through other race cars. You must maneuver
around them. Keep this in mind, when placing your movement
cubes during your Action Phase.
Decline Phase
During this phase, you will see the adverse effects racing has on your car.
Please reference the Wear Chart found below and on the game board.
You must gain wear cubes equal to the highest color track space you
moved on this turn. Black is considered the highest color and white is
the lowest. This is based only on the color of space you moved on, not
the color of cubes you used. For instance, if you moved on four light gray
spaces and one dark gray space, you will gain three wear cubes.
Note: This quantity is not cumulative. You only gain wear equal to one
line of the Wear Chart (the highest moved on this turn), not multiple lines.
Note: If you moved on a space with more than 1 color, you always gain wear for the higher color.
Place any gained wear cubes into your used pile. If you didn’t move this
turn, you don’t gain any wear cubes.
Alternatively, if you ended your movement this turn in a space or
segment directly behind another opponent’s race car, you are considered
to be drafting. If drafting, you do not collect any wear despite what color
spaces you moved on this turn. Drafting is good!
Wear Chart
- Black: Gain 4 wear cubes.
- Dark Gray: Gain 3 wear cubes.
- Light Gray: Gain 2 wear cubes.
- White: Gain 1 wear cubes.
- Drafting: Gain 0 wear cubes.
End Phase
During this phase, you will place all your cubes from the track, active
pile, and used pile into your discard pile. Then randomly draw seven new
cubes out of your bag to place in your active pile.
This ends your turn. Play then continues with the next player clockwise.
Note: Since you draw your new cubes into your active pile at the end of
your turn, this gives you the entire time during other players’ turns
to plan out your strategy for your next turn. While their plans may
disrupt yours somewhat, you can usually make the game move
along at a nice pace if you plan ahead!
At this time, all race cars automatically move forward to fill any vacated segments
within the space they currently occupy. This means at the
beginning of each turn, you will either be in the front segment of a
space, or in a segment directly behind another race car.
Alternative Turn – Pit Stop
Remove Wear:
Place all wear from your active pile back into the stock.
See “End” under Standard Turn – Racing.
Instead of performing a standard turn, you can opt to perform an
alternative turn. If you choose to do this, you cannot use any of the
effects of your cubes in your active pile, you cannot buy any new cubes
from the stock, and your race car cannot move.
To perform an alternative turn, otherwise known as a pit stop, you may
remove all wear cubes from your active pile. If you choose to do this, you
must remove all the wear cubes in your active pile, you cannot remove
only some of them.
After removing your wear, proceed to the End Phase as described in the Standard Turn.
This ends your turn. Play then continues to the next player clockwise.
Note: You cannot perform an alternative turn if you have already started
performing a standard turn.
Winning the Game
If a player’s lap marker is on the Final Lap space and their race car
crosses the finish line, the game ends after the current round is
completed. This means that each player will have the same number of
turns in the game. The winner is the player whose race car went the
farthest past the finish line. Ties are broken by whichever race car is in
the innermost lane on the track.
Removing Cubes
Over the course of the game you will have several opportunities to
customize your race car by removing cubes you do not want anymore.
When you are called to remove a cube, either during an alternative turn
or by a card’s effect, you simply place the removed cube back into the
stock. This means that it is available to all players for buying and gaining
as usual.
Drawing Cubes
Over the course of the game, you will draw cubes from your bag many
times. When you are called to draw a cube, either during your End Phase
or by a card’s effect, your bag may be empty or become empty.
If this happens, first verify that your bag is actually empty by feeling it
with your fingers. Do not look in your bag. If it is indeed empty, and you
need to draw more cubes, place all the cubes from your discard pile into
your bag, mix them, and then draw the rest of your required cubes. Keep
in mind, you only do this if you need to draw cubes from an empty bag,
not merely if your bag is empty.
Rule Clarifications
During the Decline Phase, you gain wear based on the highest color
track space you moved on, not the color of gear that you used.
Unless specifically stated otherwise, effects only last until the end of
your turn.
You may feel the contents of your own bags in order to estimate the
number of cubes remaining. However, you may never look inside your
bag. You cannot check other players’ bags.
You may not move your race car backwards (clockwise around the
When a card says “up to” in its effect, zero is a valid choice.
You cannot place a cube on a segment that is occupied by an
opponent’s race car. However, you can place a cube on an
unoccupied segment even if an opponent’s race car occupies another
segment in that space.
Card Clarifications
- Any cube drawn from your bag is placed in your active pile.
- Any active cube you perform an action with is placed in your used pile before applying any part of its effect.
- Any movement on the board starts with a space that must be adjacent to your race car or your previously placed cube.
- Any cube placed on the game board is still considered to be in your used pile.
- Any cube gained during your turn is placed in your used pile.
- Any cube removed during your turn is placed back into the stock.
- Your position is always determined by where your race car is at the beginning of the
Action Phase, not where it will be during your Car Phase. If tied for a position, the
more inner lane is leading.
Suggested Card Sets
The following card sets focus on a central theme to create a distinctive
play experience. Players should agree upon which card set to use at the
start of the game.
Expert Invitational
Pit Crew,
Hybrid Engine
This set is aimed at the expert players. It’s very interactive between the
players with some high powered potential moves. We suggest using five
laps for this set.
Basic Cards
Place this white cube on a
white space on the track. This white
space must be adjacent to your race car,
or adjacent to the last cube previously
placed on the track earlier this turn.
Place this light gray cube on a
light gray space on the track. This light
gray space must be adjacent to your race
car, or adjacent to the last cube
previously placed on the track earlier this
Place this dark gray cube on a
dark gray space on the track. This dark
gray space must be adjacent to your race
car, or adjacent to the last cube
previously placed on the track earlier this
Place this black cube on a black
space on the track. This black space must
be adjacent to your race car, or adjacent
to the last cube previously placed on the
track earlier this turn.
In general, you do not want wear
cubes in your bag. This effect gets you a
step closer to removing it, by allowing
you to place it directly into your discard
pile. Keep in mind, only wear cubes
originating from your active pile may use
this effect.
Remove any white, light gray,
dark gray, or black gear cube from your
discard pile. If you removed a white cube,
then gain a light gray cube. If you removed
a light gray cube, then gain a dark gray
cube. If you removed a dark gray cube,
then gain a black cube. If you removed a
black cube, then you don’t gain anything.
Choose up to 3 cubes from your
active pile. Place the chosen cubes into
your discard pile. If you chose 1 cube, then
remove 1 cube from your discard pile. If
you chose 2 cubes, then remove 2 cubes
from your discard pile. If you chose 3
cubes, then remove 3 cubes from your
discard pile. Keep in mind, the removed
cubes may be the very cubes you just
placed in your discard pile.
You have the option of
removing a cube from your active pile.
Whether you opt to remove a cube or
not, you may choose 1 cube from your
active pile, or your discard pile, and place
it back into your bag.
Choose a cube from your
active pile and place it in your used pile.
This chosen cube’s effect will not be
applied. Then remove up to 2 cubes from
your discard pile.
When you get to the
Decline Phase of your turn, you will not gain
any wear despite what color spaces you
moved on, because you are considered to
be drafting. Note that this card does not
prevent you from gaining wear cubes
during your Action Phase.
Suggestion: Place this red cube on the Wear
Chart on the board to remind you that you have activated this card’s effect.
Don’t forget to place it back into your discard pile during your End Phase.
Gain 1 wear cube from the
stock. Then choose 1 gear cube from your
active pile to place into your discard pile.
Move your red cube up to 3 spaces on the
board matching the color 1 lower than
the chosen gear cube. For example, if you
chose to discard a black cube from your
active pile, then you could move up to 3
consecutive dark gray spaces with your
red cube.
Note: the chosen gear cube stays in your discard pile.
Gain 1 wear cube from the
stock. Then choose 1 gear cube in your
discard pile. Place your red cube onto a
space on the board matching the same
color of that chosen gear cube. For
example, if you chose a dark gray cube in
your discard pile, then you could move
on a dark gray space with your red cube.
Note: the chosen gear cube stays in your discard pile.
Choose 1 gear cube in your active
pile. Then place your red cube onto a
space on the board matching any color
lower than the chosen gear cube. For
example, if you chose a dark gray cube in
your active pile, then you could move on
a light gray space or a white space with
your red cube.
Note: the chosen gear cube stays in your active pile.
Draw 1 cube from your bag. If
you draw a wear cube, then draw again.
Stop drawing cubes when you draw any
cube other than a wear cube. After this,
remove all wear cubes from your discard
pile. Keep in mind any wear cubes that you
drew during this card’s effect will not be
able to be removed with this card’s effect,
since those wear cubes are placed in your
active pile, not your discard pile.
Choose up to 6 cubes to
remove from your discard pile. These
cubes can be any combination of cubes
including, but not limited to, wear cubes.
Choose one of the following.
You may either remove all of the wear
cubes in your discard pile, or you may
remove any 2 cubes of your choice from
your discard pile including, but not limited
to, wear cubes.
Choose up to 3 cubes to
remove from your discard pile. These
cubes can be any combination of cubes
including, but not limited to, wear cubes.
Add the costs, not the value, of the
removed cubes. Use that total cost as
money to buy exactly 1 cube from the
stock. After this, any leftover money
gained from this card’s effect is lost.
Gain 2 wear cubes from the
stock. Count how many dark gray cubes
you currently have in your discard pile.
Then move your blue cube up to that many
consecutive dark gray spaces on the board.
For example, if you had 3 dark gray cubes
in your discard pile, then you could move
up to 3 consecutive dark gray spaces with
your blue cube.
Gain 1 wear cube from the
stock. Count how many blue cubes you
currently have in your active pile, used
pile, and discard pile collectively.
Compare that total against blue cubes
found in each other player’s discard pile.
Make this comparison with each other
player individually, not all other players as
a group. If you have more than any other player, then move your blue
cube up to 2 consecutive spaces on the board. These 2 spaces must be
the same color. For example, if you had 1 blue cube in your active pile, 1
on the track, and 2 blue cubes in your discard pile, then you could move
2 spaces of any color as long as no other player had 4 or more blue cubes
in their discard pile.
Gain 1 wear cube from the
stock. Count how many unique colors of
cubes you currently have in your discard
pile. Then move your blue cube up to that
many consecutive white spaces on the
board. For example, if you had 1 white
cube, 3 light gray cubes, 1 blue cube, and
2 wear cubes in your discard pile, then
you could move up to 4 consecutive white
spaces with your blue cube.
Gain 1 wear cube from
the stock. Choose up to 2 cubes in your
discard pile. Place these chosen cubes
into your active pile.
Draw up to 3 cubes from your bag.
You may draw these cubes one at a time
and may stop when satisfied. Gain 1 wear
cube from the stock for each cube that you
drew. After this, all other players have the
choice to draw 1 cube from their bag or
not. The other players do not gain wear for
Gain 1 wear cube from the stock.
Determine what position in the race your
race car is currently in. Remember, your
position is always determined by where
your race car is at the beginning of the
Action Phase, not where it will be during
your Car Phase. If tied for a position, the
innermost lane is leading. Then move your
green cube up to that many consecutive light gray spaces on the board.
You may move 1 more light gray space, if you are currently in last place.
For example, if your race car is currently in 3rd place of a 4 player game,
then you could move up to 3 consecutive light gray spaces with your green
cube. Alternatively, if you were in 4th place of a 4 player game, then you
could move up to 5 consecutive light gray spaces.
You must draw exactly 2 cubes
from your bag. After drawing these 2
cubes, choose 1 to place in your active
pile and 1 to place into your discard pile.
Gain 2 wear cubes from the stock.
Move your green cube up to 2
consecutive light gray spaces on the
board. Then you may continue moving
up to 1 more light gray space for each
green cube that every player, including
you, has in their discard piles. For
example, if you had 2 green cubes in your
discard pile, and two other players had 1 green cube each in their
discard piles, then you could move up to 6 consecutive light gray spaces
with a green cube from your active pile.
The starting player is indicated with a checkered flag behind the name.
Clicking on the bag on the top right side of the player info will reveal the cubes of that player. The first number indicates the number of
cubes inside the bag, the second one is the total number of cubes of that player.
Clicking on the player tableau will show a magnified version.
Clicking on a card will show a larger version of that card.
The racing cars depicted above the race track indicate the current position of each player.
Clicking on a cube laying on the track will undo all actions up to and including placing that cube on the board (if possible).
Reading from top to bottom and from left to right the player boards are displayed in playing order.
Possible settings:
show animations: device dependent, standard: checked
If checked, all own actions and all actions in replay will be animated.
Animations with sound:device dependent, standard: unchecked
If checked, the sound of a racing car will be played whenever a car's movement is animated.
Will not work in mobile devices with iOS, because Apple doesn't support the HTML5 standards.
→ original rules (pdf)
Will you cross the finish line first? What about the next race? And the
one after that? In Automobiles: Racing Season you must hone your
skills and optimize your crew to be the best. Track after track. In this
expansion, you can now leverage drivers with unique abilities, spend
money from sponsors, and exploit even more card combinations. It’s
your time to race to victory!
Be the best racer by crossing the finish line first! But anyone can win
one measly race. You must prove you have what it takes to stay at the
top over multiple races. With even more options for customizing your
race car, unique driver skill sets, and wealthy sponsors pushing results,
the racing season has never been more competitive. Show your peers
that you’re here to stay. Show your sponsors that you’re worth it. Show
yourself that hard work pays off as you cross the finish line and watch
that checkered flag wave!
1 Season Record Pad (100 Sheets)
5 Track Cards
About this Expansion
This expansion consists of 4 new modules:
You may combine any, or all of these expansion modules with the base
game. You may also choose to play with just the expansion components
by themselves.
There are three new boards, providing even more tracks to race. The
rules of the base game apply with the following notes.
- Really fast track with several combo colored spaces for flexible movement.
- Counter-clockwise movement.
- Recommended for all player counts.
Monte Carlo
- Challenging track with tight turns that require skillful driving.
- Clockwise movement.
- Fold the board in half so that only the track chosen is revealed.
- Recommended for 2 players, but compatible with all player counts.
However, only players looking for a longer game, and significantly
more interactive race, should proceed with more than 3 players.
- Small track that introduces combo spaces with 3 colors.
- Counter-clockwise movement.
- Fold the board in half so that only the track chosen is revealed.
- Recommended for 2 players, but compatible with all player counts.
However, only players looking for a longer game, and significantly
more interactive race, should proceed with more than 4 players.
Note: The checkered flag that marks the start/finish
line cuts through two
spaces (A and B). These
spaces should still be
treated as normal
spaces with the
checkered flag serving like any other dashed segment line.
However, the player starting the game on “P1: $10” should treat
that segment as a distinct space until they move out of it. This
means, for example, if they play one white cube on their first turn
they would move forward 1 segment to the front of space A.
Likewise, player 1 should ignore momentum until they have moved
out of space A.
Track Cards
Track cards can be used to randomly determine which track players use
for that game. When playing a season campaign, track cards can also be
used to remember which tracks have been selected and in what order.
After determining turn order for the game:
- Shuffle all driver cards.
- Reveal as many drivers as there are players plus 1.
- The last player in turn order chooses a driver first. The players continue by each taking one driver in reverse
turn order.
Driver cards give each player a unique ability to use during the game.
Drivers may be used when playing a standard game or a season
- Number: The individual number of the driver.
- Name: The name of the driver.
- Picture: Representative picture of the driver.
- Phase: The specific phase that the driver’s effect is active.
- Effect: Ability granted by the driver during the phase noted.
When using the drivers module - Randomly shuffle all driver cards. After
determining turn order for the game, reveal as many drivers as there are
players plus 1. Then, the last player in turn order (the player to the right
of the start player) chooses a driver first, placing it face up next to their
player sheet. The players continue by each taking one driver in reverse
turn order. Return the remaining driver back into the box.
- Each player keeps their one driver
throughout the entire game/season.
- Driver abilities are optional.
- Each player may use their driver’s ability
every turn during the phase stated on their
driver card.
- When a card says “up to” in its effect, zero is
a valid choice.
The appendix contains an overview of available drivers.
In a season campaign, players play a series of three or more race tracks. After
each track, sponsors are selected to help prepare for the next race, and
points are awarded according to finish positions.
When using the season campaign module:
- Players must use the drivers module when playing a season campaign.
Shuffle the sponsor cards and reveal as many sponsors as there are players
playing. Place these cards face up next to the board.
Decide the structure of the season campaign: number of
laps, what tracks, and in what order or randomize it by drawing track cards.
A season should have at least 3 tracks.
In a season campaign, players play a series of three or more race tracks
to determine the ultimate racing champion!
Each player will race their own car and driver from track to track. After
each track, sponsors are selected to help prepare for the next race, and
points are awarded according to finish positions. The player who gains
the most points over the series will be victorious.
When using the season campaign module:
- Players must use the drivers module when playing a season campaign.
Randomly shuffle the sponsor cards and place them as a face down deck
next to the board. Then reveal as many sponsors as there are players
playing. These revealed cards should be placed face up next to the board
for all to see.
Decide the structure of the season campaign, including the number of
laps, on what tracks, and in what order. Alternatively, randomize it by
drawing track cards. A season should have at least 3 tracks. You can
make note of these tracks, and their sequence, by storing the track cards
in order or by using one season record sheet for each track.
Note: Laps should be the same from track to track.
Awarding Sponsors
At the end of each race in the series, sponsors are awarded according to
the finish positions of the players:
The player finishing in first position chooses a sponsor first and applies the first
place effect of their chosen sponsor.
The other players, except for the last player, continue by each taking
one of the remaining sponsors in the order determined by their
position, and applies its middle place effect.
In a 2 player game, the player who finishes
in 2nd place, will apply the middle place
Finally, the last player takes the remaining sponsor and applies its last
place effect.
If a player already has a sponsor in front of them, they have the choice to
keep their current sponsor or choose a new one from those available.
If the player chooses a new sponsor, their current sponsor is removed from the game.
Alternatively, if the player chooses to keep their current
sponsor, they must remove one sponsor from those available.
During each race in the series, certain sponsors are available. They are
revealed as described in setup and players may reference them at any
time during the race. However, these sponsors serve no purpose until the
end of each race.
At the end of each race in the series, sponsors are awarded according to
the finish positions of the players:
The player finishing in first position chooses a sponsor first, placing
it face up next to their driver card. That player then applies the first
place effect of their chosen sponsor.
The other players, except for the last player, continue by each taking
one of the remaining sponsors in the order determined by their
position at the end of the race, and applies its middle place effect.
In a 2 player game, the player who finishes
in 2nd place, will apply the middle place
effect, not the last place effect.
Finally, the last player takes the remaining sponsor and applies its last
place effect.
At the end of the second race track of the season, and each race track
after that one, players will already have sponsors in front of them. When
it comes time to award sponsors again, each player has the choice to
keep their current sponsor or choose a new one from those available.
If the player chooses a new sponsor, they must remove their current
sponsor from the game, replace it with the new one, and apply the effect
of the new one. Alternatively, if the player chooses to keep their current
sponsor, they must remove one sponsor from those available, then apply
the effect of their current sponsor.
Awarding Points
Also at the end of each race in the series, points are awarded according
to the finish positions of the players. Reference the chart below and
record these points on a season record sheet.
| Track 1 | Track 2 | Track 3 | Track 4 | Track 5 |
First Place | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
Middle Place | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 |
Last Place | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 |
Note: Middle Place means any finishing position between first and last.
Additionally, in a 2 player game, the player who finishes in 2nd place,
will be awarded middle place points, not last place points.
Setting Up the Next Race
Very little changes from race to race in a season campaign. The card
set stays the same. The quantities of cubes in the stock stay the same.
Players keep their driver and sponsor cards. Even the contents of each
player’s bag stays the same (of course, all cubes from their player sheets
are put back into their bag). In other words, these things don’t change
and are not reset at the start of each new race. Simply switch out the
finished board with the next track in the series.
Turn order is updated for the new race according to the finish positions
of the players in the previous race. First position becomes first player
(give them the Starting Player card). Second position becomes second
player, and so on. It is suggested that the players physically move seats at
the table in order to have the seating positions match turn order.
Lastly, reveal new sponsors from the sponsors deck equal to the number
of players. The next race of the season is ready to begin!
Note: Allowance money written on the starting spaces of a race track
are ignored for the second race track onward. This means that a
spending allowance is only provided during setup for the very first
track of the series.
Winning the Season Campaign
At the end of the last race of the season, after
awarding points to the players according to their
finish positions for that race, calculate the final
point total for each player. The player with the
most points is the winner of the season campaign!
If two or more players are tied, the tied player that
finished with the best position in the last race wins.
Sponsor cards give each player a unique ability to use during the game.
Sponsors may only be used when playing a season campaign.
- Name: The name of the sponsor.
- Label: The individual identifier of the sponsor.
- Picture: Representative picture of the sponsor.
- First Place Effect: Ability granted by the sponsor if the owner of this card finished in first position.
- Middle Place Effect: Ability granted by the sponsor if the owner of this card finished between first and last position.
- Last Place Effect: Ability granted by the sponsor if the owner of this card finished in last position.
Sponsor Clarifications
A player may empty their bag onto their player
sheets before applying the effect of their
sponsor. This way they have access to all of the
cubes in their bag. After applying the effect of
their sponsor, each player should return all of
their cubes back into their bag before starting
the next race.
Every sponsor has 3 effects (first place, middle
place, and last place). Each effect starts off with
a standard ability to remove a certain number of
cubes from your bag and/or player board. First
place effect removes 3 cubes, middle place effect
removes 6 cubes, and last place effect removes
12 cubes. These cubes can be any combination of
cubes, including but not limited to, wear cubes.
Sponsors are only used during a
season campaign.
- Sponsor abilities are optional.
- Each player may only use their sponsor’s
ability once at the end of each race.
- When a card says “up to” in its effect, zero is
a valid choice.
- In a 2 player game, the player who finishes
in 2nd place, will apply the middle place
effect, not the last place effect.
The appendix contains an overview of available sponsors.
Draw 1
cube from your bag. After
this, you must remove 1 cube
from your active pile or
discard pile. Keep in mind,
the 1 removed cube may be the cube you just
drew out of your bag.
any number of cubes to
remove from your active pile.
These cubes can be any
combination of cubes,
including but not limited to, wear cubes. Then
you may remove up to twice that amount of
cubes from your discard pile. For example, if you
removed 3 cubes from your active pile, you may
remove up to 6 cubes from your discard pile.
you must remove this very
cube. Then, you may draw up
to 3 cubes from your bag.
Gain 1 wear cube
from the stock. Then choose 1
gear cube in your discard pile.
Move your red cube up to 2
spaces on the board matching
the color 1 lower than the chosen gear cube. For
example, if you chose a black cube in your discard
pile, then you could move up to 2 consecutive
dark gray spaces with your red cube. Note, the
chosen gear cube stays in your discard pile.
Choose 1
gear cube from your active
pile to place into your discard
pile. Then, move your red
cube 1 space on any color on
the board. For example, if you chose to discard
a light gray cube from your active pile, then you
could move on white, light gray, dark gray, or
black with your red cube. Note, the chosen gear
cube stays in your discard pile.
During your Action
Phase, you may use any
number of white gear cubes
that you have in your active
pile as if they were any color
gear cube. Place these white gear cubes onto
the board on color(s) of your choice. Use 1
white gear cube per space. Gain 1 wear cube
from the stock for each white cube that you
used with this effect.
Suggestion: Place this red cube on the Wear
Chart on the board to remind you that you have
activated this card’s effect. Don’t forget to place it
back into your discard pile during your End Phase.
Count how many
unique colors of cubes you
currently have in your discard
pile. Then remove up to that
many cubes from your
discard pile. For example, if you had 1 yellow
cube, 2 dark gray cubes, 3 blue cubes, 1 green
cube, and 2 wear cubes in your discard pile,
then you could remove up to 5 of those cubes.
Choose up to
4 cubes to remove from your
discard pile. These cubes can
be any combination of cubes,
including but not limited to,
wear cubes. Then, remove all wear cubes
currently in your used pile. This means all wear
cubes gained during your Action Phase up to this
point, including those placed on the track, are
removed. Keep in mind, this does not allow you
to remove wear gained by any future action, nor
does it allow you to ignore gaining wear during
your Decline Phase.
Remove up to
6 wear cubes from your
discard pile. After this, count
how many cubes you
currently have in your discard
pile. Compare your total with each other player
individually, not all other players as a group. If
you have less cubes in your discard pile than
each of the other players’ discard piles, you get
to remove up to 2 additional cubes from your
discard pile. These additional cubes can be any
combination of cubes, including but not limited
to, wear cubes. For example, if you had 5 cubes
left in your discard pile after removing up to 6
wear cubes, then you could remove up to 2
more cubes as long as no other player had 5 or
fewer cubes in their discard pile.
Choose one of
the following. You may either
move your green cube 1 light
gray space OR during your Car
Phase this turn, you may
move up to 2 light gray spaces per position you
advanced. In order to do the second option, take
note of what position in the race your race car is
in at the beginning of your Car Phase. Then note
what position your race car ends up in at the end
of your Car Phase. Finally, move up to 2 light gray
spaces per position you advanced. For example,
if you chose the second option and started your
Car Phase in fourth position of a 5 player game,
but ended your Car Phase by passing 2 other cars
to move into second Position. Then you could
move up to 4 light gray spaces.
Suggestion: If using the second option, place this
green cube on the Wear Chart on the board to
remind you that you have activated this card’s
effect. Don’t forget to place it back into your
discard pile during your End Phase.
Hint (implementation at yucata):
If you activate a green 'Adrenaline' cube, a button will appear at the bottom of the game window. This button
allows you to choose the second option of an Adrenaline cube.
Gain 1 wear
cube from the stock.
Determine what position in
the race your race car is
currently in. Then, as long as
you are not in first position, move your green
cube up to 2 dark gray spaces on the board. If
you are currently in last place, you may move 1
more dark gray space. For example, if your race
car is currently in 4th place of a 4 player game,
then you could move up to 3 consecutive dark
gray spaces with your green cube.
Note: If you are in first position, you don’t move
at all with this green cube.
Gain 1 wear cube
from the stock. Determine
what position in the race
your race car is currently in.
Then, move your green cube
up to 3 spaces according to your position. If you
are in first place, move on white. If you are in
last place, move on dark gray or lower. For all
other positions in the race, move on light gray
or lower. Keep in mind, you may move on more
than 1 color with each green cube. For example,
if your race car is currently in 2nd place of a 3
player game, you could move 1 white space and
2 light gray spaces with 1 green cube.
Move your blue
cube up to 3 spaces on any 1
color on the board. Then, after
your End Phase, determine
what position in the race each
player’s race car is currently in. Each player that is
in a lower position in the race than you, may
move 1 space on any color. This movement takes
place in position order, not turn order, and those
other players do not gain wear for their
movement. Additionally, after each player moves,
including you, momentum must be updated and
positions may change due to this momentum. Keep in mind, if more than
one of these blue cubes is used in a single turn,
player positions are not determined until after
your End Phase. In this situation, each player in a
lower position moves all awarded spaces before
moving onto the next player. For example, if you
used 2 blues cubes this turn, and ended up in 1st
position after your End Phase, the player in 2nd
position would get to move up to 2 spaces on any
color(s) without gaining any wear. After the 2nd
position player moved, and momentum updated,
then the 3rd position player would move up to 2
spaces on any color(s), and so on.
Gain 2
wear cubes from the stock.
During your Action Phase this
turn, each of your activated
gear cubes may move twice
as many spaces as they would normally move.
This means that for each gear cube that you use
this turn, you may move 2 spaces instead of 1
on its respective color. Keep in mind, this effect
can combine with cards like Redline, but does
not have any effect on cards like Camber & Toe.
Furthermore, activating more than one of these
blue cubes is superfluous, as it does not
compound the effect.
Suggestion: Place this blue cube on the Wear
Chart on the board to remind you that you have
activated this card’s effect. Don’t forget to place it
back into your discard pile during your End Phase.
1 cube from your active
pile to place into your discard
pile. Then choose up to 3
cubes from your discard pile.
Place these chosen cubes into your active pile.
Gain 1 wear cube from the stock for each cube
that you brought from your discard pile to your
active pile with this effect. Keep in mind, one of
the cubes that you bring from your discard pile
back to your active pile may be the very cube
you just placed in your discard pile.
Suggested Card Sets
Expansion Only
Combining Base with Expansion
During your Decline
Phase, you may move your race
car up to 1 light gray space for
each wear you gained. Keep in
mind, this is only for wear
gained during your Decline
Phase, not your Action Phase.
For example, if you gained 3
wear during your Decline Phase, then you can
move up to 3 light gray spaces. For another
example, if you would have gained 2 wear during
your Decline Phase, but ended up drafting, you
will not get a benefit from this driver.
During your Action
Phase, you may choose 1 cube
from your discard pile. Place
this chosen cube into your
active pile. That cube may now
be used like any other cube in
your active pile.
During your Action
Phase, you may choose up to 3
cubes from your discard pile.
These chosen cubes can be any
combination of colors. Place
these chosen cubes back into
your bag.
During your Buy
Phase, you may draw up to 3
cubes at once. This means that
you must state for all to hear
how many cubes that you’d like
to draw (up to 3). Then draw
that exact number from your
bag. After you have drawn all
required cubes, keep them separate from your
player board until you have decided to do one of
the following options with each cube: remove it
by putting it back in stock, place it in your active
pile, OR put it back into your bag. You may
decide to do any of the three options with each
cube. Keep in mind, any cube added to your
active pile may only be used for its value to buy
new cubes, since you are in your Buy Phase.
During your Buy
Phase, you may remove any
number of cubes from your
discard pile. These removed
cubes can be any combination
of cubes, including but not
limited to, wear cubes. For
each cube that you decide to
remove this way, you must pay $1. If you have
no money during your Buy Phase, you will not
get a benefit from this driver.
During your Car
Phase, after you finish your
normal move with your race
car, you may move 1 additional
space on any color. Like
normal, you could be subject
to wear for this movement
during your Decline Phase,
if you don’t end up drafting.
During your Decline
Phase, take note of how many
wear cubes you gained. For
each of those wear cubes, you
may draw up to 1 additional
cube during your End Phase.
For example, if you gained 3
wear during your Decline
Phase, then you will draw 10 cubes during your
End Phase, instead of just 7. This means, you
will start your next turn’s Action Phase with
those 10 cubes. If you gained no wear during
your Decline Phase, for instance if you ended
up drafting, you will not get a benefit from this
During your End
Phase, before drawing new
cubes for your active pile, you
may remove up to 3 wear cubes
from your player board. Keep in
mind, these wear cubes can be
located in any pile on your
player board or on the track.
During your End
Phase, after drawing new cubes
for your active pile, you may
draw up to 2 additional cubes.
Of course, these cubes may be
used like any other cube in your
active pile.
During your End
Phase, after drawing new cubes
for your active pile, you may
choose any number of those
cubes to place in your discard
pile. Then, draw cubes equal to
the number that you chose to
discard. You may only do this
once. For example, after drawing 7 cubes for
your active pile, you could decide to discard 4
cubes, so that you can draw 4 new cubes to add
to your active pile.
Sponsors A1-A3
the specified amount of
money to buy new cubes
from the stock. Keep in
mind, the stock does not
replenish from race to
race during the season, so
some cubes may be in
short supply. Any money
not spent is lost.
Sponsors B1-B3
the specified amount of
additional cubes from
your bag and/or player
board. These cubes can be
any combination of cubes,
including but not limited
to, wear cubes.
Sponsors C1-C3
the specified amount of
wear cubes from your
bag and/or player board.
These cubes must be
wear cubes.
Sponsors D1-D3
Gain the
specific cubes stated from
the stock for free. If the
stock does not have
adequate supply, then
take as many as available.
Sponsors E1-E3
Take note
of how many non-wear
cubes you removed with
your sponsor’s standard
remove ability. Then, for
each non-wear you
removed, remove up to 4
wear cubes from your bag
and/or player board. For
example, if you had
Sponsor E1, finished in
first position, and decided to remove 2 white
cubes and 1 wear cube, then you’d be allowed
to remove up to 8 wear cubes from your bag
and/or player board.
Note: Sponsor E3’s last place effect does not
have an ability beyond its standard remove
Sponsors F1-F3
the specified amount of
additional cubes from
your bag and/or player
board. Then, for each
additional cube removed,
you may spend up to $2.
For example, if you had
Sponsor F2, and finished
3rd in a 4 player game,
then using the middle
place effect would let you remove up to 3
additional cubes. If you removed all 3 additional
cubes, then you’d be able to spend $6. Any
money not spent is lost.
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